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I consider all the people who I travel with as family. It's been an amazing journey so far and I can't wait to add more people to my small family.

Something off my bucket list! The best three days off my life! 
Having done a photography workshop with Rizwan and Aashiv I feel I have learnt the fundamentals of photography and they have helped me take my passion for photography from a beginners activity I would do in my spare time to something I’m getting much better at. The personal attention from them really helped me understand not only camera basics, but editing skills and how to take excellent wildlife photos. This foundation trip has definitely helped me understand much more about photography by allowing me to practice my skills in the picturesque Masai Mara.
They are passionate about their work and teach all the technical terms in a way that you understand very easily. H.S.

Easy going, friendly, accommodating and ready to help are just a few words of how I would describe them!!

My second time!! Couldn't wait to join Rizwan and Aashiv on their second photography trip. 
The ease at which they teach has made me even better at my photo taking techniques. I got some great shots this time!
From fully automatic settings, I can now shoot on full manual mode with full understanding of the situation during the time I take my photo. "The triangle"is what it's called..iso, aperture and shutter speed. 
Makes me want to join them on every photography trip!

My first learning trip...have learnt photography by tips from photographer friends, YouTube and plenty plenty of mistakes...
Was shooting in Aperture am comfortable shooting in Manual mode with the teachings of Riz and Aashiv 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Will definitely promote the next trip to my friends and on my social media pages as worthwhile...and cost effective to boot (how they make profit is beyond me😋)
Thanks to you both for all your assistance in improving my photography journey 
You guyz are all my new family...may our bonds grow and last forever🥰
Go "Caleb" Go👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 L.S.

I joined Rizwan & Aashiv as a total novice photographer with my basic camera. 
I learnt immensely from their hands on approach, patience and end of the day computer workshops, which has improved my skills and knowledge. I also learnt wildlife, landscapes and sunrise/sunset photography.
Our tip to Maasai Mara was like no other that I had done previously. I learned animal tracking, habits and saw 4 live kills.
I would definitely recommend Rizwan & Aashiv to anyone interested in improving their photography skills especially wildlife.

Riz and ashiv! Where do I start? These guys are simply AMAZING! Not only do these guys know their photography, they are great company too! I had lots of fun with them and the rest of the crew! 

A few more trips with these boys and I may start coaching too

 We are grateful Aashiv and Riz for a wonderful time. The joy of learning and practicing was limitless. We look forward to another eventful trip.

Rizwan n Aashiv, you guys make a perfect combo, you are both both natural calm and in extent to go to any level, i can tell that you have really embraced the teaching mode and better guides. I am so happy I took this experience. It was so interesting learning new techniques to enhance my enjoyment of photography. 😊😊

Where do i start. This trip was easily my best national park trip i've ever had. Rizwan and Aashiv, you guys really made me feel awesome and at home there. I loved being with other photographers and sharing our passion and drive to learn more about this wonderful hobby. I went into this pretty anxious since i had never met anyone here, but i feel now like i've known you guys for years. From the  late night presentations to sitting in the scorching sun near cheetahs, i'd absolutely love to have this experience again when i get a break from school and can come back to nairobi

I saw my progress throughout the trip evidently, especially with composition. The tips and advice was very useful and got me shots i've wanted to have for a long time. It really helped me improve in other areas other than wildlife photography too, as it taught me how useful the art of patience can be in the wild, and how rewarding it can be

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