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Born and raised in Kenya, my very first memories are those of being on a game drive with my father. From a very young age, I knew that I wanted to be close to nature, and I dreamt about living out in the wild.


I was a member of the Wildlife and Photography Club in school, and the experiences just made me more connected to nature.

Over the years I have travelled extensively through the East African region, and honed my skills in animal tracking, photography, guiding, and now teaching photography.

My experiences and travels have taken me all the way from Trout fishing on the lakes close to the peaks of Mount Kenya, scuba diving in the Coastal region (I am a PADI certified scuba diver) to the savannas and forests of Maasai mara, Tsavo, Meru National Park, Nakuru National Park, Amboseli and so many other Nature reserves in Kenya and Tanzania.

I think the greatest lesson I have learnt over the years from studying and observing the different kind of animals in the wild is that we have underestimated the intelligence, compassion, and sheer will of these wild animals. It is a humbling experience.


I have come to learn that while in the wild, always expect the unexpected.

My passion has driven me now to find a way to document these experiences for posterity via photography, videography, blogging. I want to get people to experience the excitement and thrill of being out in the wild, watching while a predator spots and targets its prey, watch the intimate relationships between mothers and their children, the interactions of marine creatures and the environment around them.

My aim is to get as many people out into the wild to experience the same thrills, and explain the diverse natures of the different creatures, and teach photography. Through this process hopefully we can educate ourselves on how to better conserve nature and lead a more sustainable lifestyle and appreciate our heritage.

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